How to Find Us

How to Find Us

Here are three sets of directions to help you to find us. They are all for the same road but give you different things to look out for:

Directions: 1. Use your GPS to get to Amamoor Post Office and Store. When in front of this building TURN OFF YOUR GPS or you won’t get here. While parked with the Store on your left you will see ahead of you Amamoor Creek Crossing No 1. Follow this road to the very end which is 30.3km from there. When you arrive at Crossing No 15 you will see a long wooden fence with signs on either side – which will have SSAA ‘Wattle Grove Park’, No Entry etc. There is a set of gates across the road and if they are closed, please park to the side to allow entry by the Range Officer who will have keys to this lock. If the gates are open, please continue for another 1.5kms (the creek is now on your right) when you will see and enter through a gate with 3030 on the post and an Australian flag flying proudly above it. Drive over the cement crossing, past our home and continue to follow the creek (now on your left) for another 500m.

Directions: 2. To help pass the time as it is a long drive you can watch the numbers on the letterboxes, fences, or gates. These are emergency numbers and denote how far each property is from the Post Office. The numbers start low as they are only hundreds of metres away and gradually get higher as the distance increases.

Directions: 3. Approximately 5kms from Amamoor you will drive by Amama Park which is a Forestry Day Picnic area. It is on the left. Approximately 5kms from Amama Park you will see another Forestry Park but this time it is a camping area known as ‘Cedar Grove’ on the right. Also, on the right and approximately another five kilometres further on you will come to the Amamoor State Forest Park – Home of the Country Music Festival. This is on a sign near an intersection. You continue on to the (slightly) left fork on the road that says No Through Road.

If you see the performers stages and buildings on your left near here, you forgot to keep left at the intersection so turn around and go back to that intersection. We are the last property on this road, and you are now only 15kms away. The property numbers will begin again after our Rural Fire Brigade sign.

You will lose phone signal (and bitumen) roughly 5kms from Amamoor near where the bitumen ends.